Google Poogle is being developed as an internet probe which is the benefactor of Google's legacy.

There is no rush to create a correctly placed probe because the earth already has an atmosphere as an object that cannot be seen.

A probe could mean anything: "sort of quite precise hanky panky"; "a foolish search for intimacy"; "seeking sublimity as a central necessity"; "unapologetic sources of light", "limbo galore" etc, etc.

A probe does not have to have ideological grounds, investigative efforts or commentaries of continued existence. Mysticism rejects all intensification of made-to-measure authority.

Do not probe the necessities of life, because social and mental institutions have already been shattered.

It is a mindless honour to burst the bubble of the World Wide Web.

Searching the regular internet is an instantaneous unwelcomed diversion.

Themes, topics, subjects, issues of the regular internet are poisonous.

We certainly don’t get ideas from the regular internet. Fiddling with underground forces proves alright to brood over.

Those with a sense of purpose far and wide are fascists.

Salvage your feet from gravity while you are hanging around being lifted higher.

Recent appearance of ambition under such circumstances is intolerable.

Remembering your social and economic position is fear of the unknown.

Help is on its way. Come right here to reflex whimpering.  

On the internet the only threshold is becoming a zombie.

You may get caught out by instant ignoramuses who have already fallen into the trap of the internet.

Google Poogle has a nonalignment with customs. Public relations have a failure rate if you are already automatically arrested by instinct.

Google Poogle is also a good big stash of Disney aura for those suffering paranoia about entertainment not resonating in modern life.

We go by the principle of  "Pluto Motives". Imagine being motivated by one of the farthest planets in the galaxy .    

It's nice when somebody makes a commitment just like that.

With the menace of inputs and services of education such as recruiting students into schools, there is nothing going on unless you are sneaky.

Absolutely everything here is underpinned by a complaint of the recommencement of the New World Order.

Google Poogle is a destiny which is a cross between social media, internet searching, and estimates of fun on the internet and other liberation struggles.

Even world-leading standards of opaqueness and surreal scenes are compromised.

Attainment of liberation is detrimental if you judge life beforehand.

Our social media division is an attempt to overthrow negotiations and regulated communication coming up properly online which is all buggered anyway.

Liberation from social awareness is both shocking and pleasurable at the same time, each time somebody enters the internet as a meeting point.

Existing channels of security forces are not working, that’s why a secure release of a fantasy world is required.

There is nothing happening on regular social media other than being superficially enraged by civilian parades and political intrusion. 

People don’t want to hear the truth, because it is all just opinions which get people to mind their own business.

Internet experience is based on the close association with the immediate aftermath of vanishing.

A direction of fantasy outstrips, discards large-scale chambers of modern homes which are not a moral victory of architecture.  

Promised here is a big break from the fragments of social life and its prominent uprisings, such as student activities.

Primary levels of consciousness amount to nothing if you have your own share of retardedness and other apparatuses of the mind.

Adulthood is too articulate, endorsing victimisation in the foreground of the prime of life.

The term 'Google' has become a frenzied, stringent, damnable cliché. 

Google Poogle has spasms of information to ponder over.

There is a bit more exploration on Google Poogle than on other websites unquestionably.

Without a guide to the internet you will suffer shoddy significant impact of unknown causes.

You may never recognize the normal internet hurled at you because of the intensity of contacts slung from motivated crowds.

You will never find durable excitement anywhere else on the internet other than Google Poogle.

Novelty comical factors are a life-giving force, but in these days they are neglected.

On the modern internet you need to be prepared for impurities.   

Look at life as a bit of a cartoon, muffling trade and commerce with swivelling busyness. 

Do not ever blunder nor suffer abandonment of credentials of fantasy. Convention is a composition of forces of suspicion, distrust, otherwise we would never need governments. 

Google Poogle combines the widespread practical, instrumental usage of the internet with comical themes, snatching mounting reality from one's intentions.

Google Poogle people don't receive or provide a window into present orbits of earth.

Grandiose delirium has an eternal period regarded as approximated to fate. The timing couldn't be worse. You just don't realize it at the time.

The vast sum of the mind is the final departure of something you are supposed to know which is  completely overlooked.

All suggestions offered for you to ‘get a life’ are repelled by organic molecules.

We are mainly occupied by entertainment. Trade and commerce are only enjoyable for responsible members of society looking forward to the resumption of work, because they are not as cheeky as a child. Specialized usage of co-existence of purpose and play is possible.

This site is particularly useful for people suffering biological solitude and other forms of apprehension gaining movement in this impersonable, divisive world of Mankind coming apart at the seams.

Google Poogle will be equal in magnitude to Google because it is part search engine, part social media. It is a comical junction point for people to contact one another, without having an overload of commonly used straightforward data.

Fantasise extra about connections between people.

Comical themes will be the additive primaries to the internet without academicians, just celestial bodies who cannot adapt themselves to any situation on earth.

Basic maintenance of the internet is destructive just at the right moment: when comical themes resort to rancid rhapsodies of exploitation to ridicule recklessly.

Those cursed by professorship will show appreciation for our playful themes as much as children will. 

People will no longer say "I want to Google something".

Instead they will say "I want to Google Poogle something"    

The difference between Google and Google Poogle is that Google Poogle is created to take the strain out of work and business. It allows for floating finesse and quirky themes easily tampered with by obscenities and shambles of savageness of human life. 

Deep inside of the internet there can be an alarming arduous renunciation of normal life.

To a large extent Google Poogle will create a large non-perishable legacy in a shifting readjustment to continuation of digitization totally, completely made for exhibitors.

Another added bonus is that users of the Google Poogle platform can make individual contributions to the data and information on it. Individuals can email us with a new idea for a website or recommend an established website and we will consider mentioning it on a division of our site.   

You accomplish more play which is not momentary when the internet becomes good for anything, such as forming relationships. In this way Google Poogle also becomes a social media site to connect people. Asking people if they are on Google Poogle means you want to develop some form of relationship or companionship with them.  

Immediate pleasures are social in their origin if you are obedient to the peculiarity of concealed routine.

On the modern social internet everybody tries to guess who they once knew, which is not safe. Adding a personal dimension is the first thing that comes into the mind when creating a social media detachment from living. 

It is ridiculous uprooting oneself onto a social media platform where people have hundreds of followers and friends, yet whom have never or rarely had any personal physical contact with each other.

It’s a bummer using your free time to socialize online with people you have never met or have any anything in common with.

Ironically your social life is relinquished, worn out, gone and there is no apparent solution.

It's something you won't know, you'll never know, that is fairly obvious, because some of your so called 'friends' may be fascists.

But all modern life is smudged by fascism applied to almost any surface in a variety of ways.

All this causes is chaos and panic amongst those propelled to have near-collisions with insanity.

These interactions are a farcical encounter while strictly having to balance out your friendship base. You are better off in a mental institution with other people even if you are only approaching insanity in an entirely new position of the once-separate organ of the brain. 

People knit together, but it may be a gradual process to request becoming a friend.

Puerile, childish people are on Google Poogle; adults are no longer proper big boys and girls.

This is a counter-attack on idyllic maturity.

After stating the term 'Google Poogle' to somebody, you cover up a lot of details of your life. You will simply exchange emails. You do not divulge your personal details on a large scale like on other social media platforms. 

People have been indoctrinated by regular social media because it conveys nothing about the presence of active companionship. They are part of the evil generation.

On Google Poogle you cannot defriend anybody. You are locked into a higgledy-piggledy world.

But it's fair to defriend down-to-earth people with false human perfection.

If the person who refers the term Google Poogle to you seems creepy, go into a state of reticence and tell them you are not associated with social media.

But just because you know love is coming doesn't mean you can stop it.  

But creepiness is a natural remnant of the social world, this is no big surprise. Without creeps the internet would be cold and lifeless, and expecting to interfere with your conclusion of other people's spectral habits.  

Unusual patterns of grievous torment and shoddy strife occur on regular social media. On Google Poogle these all disappear through elusiveness and distortion readmitted into modern life.

On a business scale Google Poogle is universal. It will be present in most countries. But on a regional scale it will only be created for people living in a particular city. Being voluptuously intensely local brings one greater enjoyment in life.

Change one’s place on the internet whether you like it or not to stop the beam of personal support from individuals living outside your locality not going anywhere.

People living outside your region are mere humanist monuments.

When you say "I want to 'Google Poogle something' this can still refer to the existing 'Google' site, only making it less of a closed circuit.

Without play we are habitual hostages of the Information age.

Rather than create a new search engine, we will firstly try to partner up with Google to instigate a name change to Google Poogle, and make some changes to the search engine. 

The term Google will become defunct in the near future. This is a prophecy of true significance.

Google is the one choice, the only choice, for navigating the web. We will do nothing to undermine or out-master them to intensify the atrocity of conceding their brand name.

Online’s changed the world, and Google has had a major positive influence over this.

Our intentions are to create an internet search engine which departs from meagrely male-dominated mathematical certainty in an unknown and stunned incalculable way.

Logic is a drag because it has no self-evident aura of grace and guidance.

We pay special attention to sites which have a culmination of aesthetic appeal.

Google is data and information-based, whereas at Google Poogle information is way down the line of thinking. Aesthetics are priority. It is a present-day Disneyland unscrutinized.

Normal internet deploys the individual’s development into uniformity of good conduct.

If you delve too much on internet information, you will find you are located in a corrupt world where data manifests as an apocalypse which never ends.

The amount of information on the web is enough to create episodes of solitary confinement hard to part with.

Many people will have a high dependence on information obtained from Google Poogle which defines their personification of data. So the knowledge status of Google Poogle may make some people feel intimidated way beyond your time frame you are besieged by.

This will make Google Poogle an honourable and indestructible embargo of one's own resolutions.

Without a superior search engine the internet would become invaded by stale, despondent fragments of information waiting to be taken down.

Much of web searching involves how to get the greatest efficiency out of the internet without having a self-conscious ulterior motive of remarkable excess; challenge anybody to prove it.

Google Poogle will be a compact yet malleable tool for navigating the internet.

We are trying to emulate google, but our logistics are absolute junk.

Google is a top-notch search engine, the most superior engine to be developed, but its name is drab and poxy and portrays a pause of sophistication.

The term 'Google' is characteristically a primitive commute into the internet we are exposed to, which is repulsive in terms of steps towards implementing freedom.

But Google is much more than a search engine. It is a gizmo that organizes the world's information. It is the pivot of hunting constructive but not private versions of life. 

On target is to create an exciting twist to other common search engines which we aim to surpass the momentum and dominance of.

It is something to contemplate as you carry a crude mass of information of throwaway things on your computer, resulting in chaos as it becomes available to all those concerned in deploying this epic tool.

Search engines connect people and companies in ways unheard of, whether in divine ways or carried out in business or media contacts not differentiated from aesthetic gratification.

Search engines create manic iconic transactions in excess, unseen under normal circumstances.  

We may allure computer science PHDs who want to bump up their lifestyle with an exciting technological challenge to help build the search engine. These people will be referred to as "Googaloids".

PHD's will be offered shares in the enterprise to volunteer their time and skill rather than gain immediate  remuneration, which is too obvious and decadent.

This is our dumbfounding mission to incentivise forsaken techies.

It is deigned to be an attractive iconic pursuit for computer scientists.

Please email Eschumid on the contact link of this page if you are interested in investing in or creating a partnership to develop our search engine.(

Our forthcoming collective team would be visionaries if we only had time and money. In the meantime all that can be done is create mischief. 

In the future it could be quite something really. 

Halleluiah for digital delights!

Google Poogle is a division of:

Positiv Tolls Tolich Toggle Dominika

Tolich Toggle is a platform in which it is easy to consider as a scenario where everyone, everything in the galaxy has an appropriate place of belonging:

Stars belong within a particular sublime constellation….

Vertebrae have a particular place in the vertebral column….

And our brothers the star-fish have a special place in the aquatic world.

And where the opinions and attitudes of a generation succumb to the domineering nature of occultism.